- Saltwater crocodile. Their length can reach about 7 meters!

- Boar. The biggest boar, which was noticed by human weighed as much as 535 kg.

- Giant salamander. Maximum length, that was noticed was 160 cm.

- Giant anaconda. They can reach up to 11 meters.

- Goliath-frog. The weight of the biggest is 3 kg, with body length about 30 cm.

- Giant-oarfish. They can reach up to 5 meters long.

- Giant rabbit. His weight is about 22 kilograms, height is about 1,3 meters.

- Among the bears, the biggest is Grizzly bear. Their height reach 4.5 meters.

- The weight of the biggest snail is 900 gram.

- The biggest turtle that was noticed by a human, weighed about 600 kilogram.