Pandas are very lovely and cute animals and known in the whole world. Nowadays there is even a trend to use some kind of safe dye to make dogs look like pandas.

Chow Chow Panda is a dog with a decorative panda coat color, and not a variety of the Chow Chow breed. This direction appeared only a couple of years ago in China. The main goal is to increase the number of sales and popularity of Chow Chow dogs.

The creator of this direction is the owner of the pet store in China. People was happy for buying such a exotic animal, that’s why their price was overcharge.

The process of turning a chow chow into a panda takes about two hours. It includes cutting and coloring. The effect of the procedure lasts for about 6 weeks, then the owner of the panda dog needs to re-bring his pet to the groomer to update the color.

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