Filmmaker Ed Solomon, who cowrote all three Bill & Ted films, was — very briefly — a prime suspect in the grisly Night Stalker murder spree.

Solomon tweeted the whole wild story, explaining that one night in August 1985, he was awakened by a phone call asking, “Are you the Night Stalker?” He hung up, thinking it was a prank, but the calls kept coming. Soon he was talking to a reporter who explained his car had been found at the scene of a murder by the Night Stalker. Solomon then saw police approaching his doorstep.

Solomon, it should go without saying, wasn’t the Night Stalker, and the visit by the police was largely a formality, as they’d pretty much already determined Solomon wasn’t the guy. The car found at the scene, it turned out, was one Solomon had cosigned on for a friend, which the friend later gave away to someone else before it was stolen by Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker.
Interestingly, Solomon’s friend (in a note Solomon added to his Twitter thread) said that prints found in the car helped lead to the capture of Ramirez, so in a roundabout way, Solomon and his onetime car played a small role in catching the Night Stalker. Insert an epic Bill and Ted “Whoa!” here.

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