Sarah and Andy Justice met at university, a friendship was formed between them, which later developed into a romantic relationship. They got married and dreamed of having offspring. But difficulties awaited the young family — Sarah could not get pregnant. At the hospital they were a little encouraged, the doctors told the girl that she would be able to get pregnant only thanks to IVF, but even here, unfortunately, the probability is very low. Since this is an expensive procedure, the Justices decided not to risk, and went for adoption.

They found a pregnant woman who was ready to give the offspring to an orphanage immediately after giving birth, Sarah and Andy agreed that they would immediately adopt this girl or boy.

But as it turned out, a surprise was waiting for the couple — the girl gave birth to triplets. Apparently she was afraid that young people would give up them, so she did not warn about multiple pregnancies.

But this did not scare the Justices at all, they were inspired, because now they have three at once — this is a real gift! While the couple was busy with triplets, God sent them a new happiness — it turned out that, contrary to all the doctors’ predictions, Sarah became pregnant! Soon, twins were born – a boy and a girl.

“It’s just unbelievable! A year ago we could only dream of having offspring, and now we have five of them!” – Sarah does not hide her joy. Of course, it’s not easy at all, there are a lot of worries and Sarah and Andy have forgotten what a full-fledged sleep is, but no matter since they are happy, because they have a big and strong family in which you can hear the ringing laughter of little boys and girls.

But that’s not all, a year later a new Blessing awaited the couple — the “infertile” Sarah became pregnant again, and a boy was born. This story is another confirmation that miracles still happen!

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