“When we found this lost pup, she was running down a dangerous, curvy road that people go way too fast on. We turned at the first side street where it was safe to park our car so tha we could go pick her up, but she had already followed us! She was right beside the car when we got out, and after a few minutes of sweet talking and hugging, we were able to get her in our car to ensure she was safe and well cared for while we searched for her family. Various people shared alerts I certainly don’t know! I also shared locally on my Facebook page and on other local pet pages, and had about 29 others share it as well.

It took 6 days to find the owner, and she had been searching for 7 days in total. It was amazing! I can only hope that, if one of my furry family members goes missing, someone would be so kind as to take them in and post them so I am able to find them.”

Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared this sweet pup’s alert. After being missing for 7 days, and with the help of her amazing finders, this cutie is finally back home with her family!

By admin