This is an amazing video about the gifts of encouragement from animals. Here are five touching stories about horses that will leave you in tears.

In the first clip, a sweet woman named Nellie Jacob, who was a former equestrian, learned she had Parkinson’s disease. After spending a lot of time in her bed, her dream came true. 

She has loved horses since the age of 9. Her request on her deathbed was to ride a horse for the last time. In the video, she is propped up on top of a horse carriage. As she rides, her face says it all, she is elated over the opportunity. She is having the best time. 

In the next clip, a father is carrying his crying son into a barn. The boy’s name is Sebastian, and he is so emotional over getting to meet the pony that he saved up his money for. The boy is seen petting the beautiful white horse. 

Sebastian fell in love with horses and worked hard selling $2 drinks. He sold more than $3,000 worth. His parents helped chip in the rest. Sebastian and his brother are seen running with their dog towards the barn to see the horse.

There is another dying wish seen about a man named Robert Gonzalez, who was a former horse rancher and war veteran. His dream was to see a horse one last time. 

The hospital staff made that a reality. 

Next, a horse says goodbye at the funeral of his former owner in an emotional goodbye. Lastly, a boy brought a mini pony to school as his service animal. The sweet boy has a disease where he eventually will lose his balance and muscle support, so the horse will help. 

It is wonderful watching these videos of God’s creatures encouraging humanity. The Lord can work in unique ways to bless people. 

By admin