An adorable couple who has been married for 62 years perform an amazing, impromptu piano duet while at the clinic waiting for their check-ups.

In this classic viral video, a sweet eldery couple reported to the Mayo Clinic for their medical check-ups. But when they got there, the pair saw a piano. And these two pulled out the most adorable duet I’ve ever seen!

This talented duo probably had no idea just how much their duet would mean to some other patients who were also there at the clinic that day. Jodi Hume was one person in particular who shared on her blog just how much of a blessing it was to see this couple’s piano show while she was taking her mother to the clinic.

“And then we heard the piano and the laughter. From the balcony, we could see an older couple sitting side by side at the piano playing together and entertaining a host of people. Some were in wheelchairs, others were sitting with canes beside them or standing,” Jodi writes. Everyone was smiling with all burdens forgotten for the moment. The joy was absolutely indescribable. When we asked them to play one more for us, Fran and Marlow Cowan, who have been married for more than 62 years, treated us to an exceptional performance that is now a ‘YouTube’ sensation.”

What a joyful sight to see these two perform this piano duet! And you can tell that this isn’t the first time they’ve done this in all their years of marriage! What a way to stay connected and foster that sense of fun and happiness within a marriage. And the smiles that it brings Fran and Marlow when they play together are easily passed to those that are able to witness their piano performances. God bless this wonderfully talented pair!

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