Throughout the history of television and film, we’ve seen actors and
actresses deliver amazing performances any number of times. I
don’t know about you, but in those truly stellar performances, it feels like the actors themselves were pretty much made for the
parts, and that no one else could play them to the same degree.

For example, could you even imagine Little House on the Prairie‘s
frontman Charles Ingalls being played by anyone other than
Michael Landon? Or would Mary Poppins have been as good if
someone other than Dick Van Dyke starred as Bert?
Linda Gray – Sue Ellen Ewing
There are so many examples of exactly these kinds of parts, but let’s
talk about one more. Personally, I can’t even imagine watching the
iconic hit television series Dallas without Linda Gray starring as Sue
Ellen Ewing. I speak for many when I say we are grateful that she
got the part.
Linda Gray’s life has been very special; one could go so far as to
describe it as a roller coaster. Gray has battled life-threatening
illness, addiction and also struggled through a less-than-satisfying
However, though she’s certainly been through tough times, she’s
always come out the other side stronger, determined to make the
most out of her life and have a long and successful career.
On Dallas, Gray starred alongside Larry Hagman and Patrick Duffy.
Now, she reveals her feelings about acting alongside Hagman, and
the secrets behind their great chemistry on set

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