Being comfortable in own your skin is one of the most important things in
life. It doesn’t matter if that means being bigger, skinnier, taller or shorter,
bald, covered in hair, or anything else relating to appearance.

Sure, we all have things we’re perhaps not one-hundred percent happy
with, but in the end, feeling comfortable and accepted for who you are is
crucial in life. The key is to accept yourself, not chase acceptance from
Gina Anderson – fillers going wrong
While some deal with matters by changing hairstyles, going to the gym, or
even having surgery, others feel like change at a more fundamental level is
what’s needed.
We will always reiterate that you should always do whatever makes you
happy and comfortable. However, we also advise that you see a legit
specialist if you’re ever considering plastic surgery – no matter what it’s
for. Your body is on the line, so do your research well.
For Gina Davidson from Oregon, research would have been a good thing.
She works as a neurologist, and when she turned 40 years of age, she
wanted to do something to “look better.”
“A colleague offered to do fillers for me, and it was like ‘well, I’m in my 40s,
I’m going to look a little bit better,’” she said on the reality television series
Gina thought she was getting Restylane or Juvederm, two cosmetic
treatments referred to as fillers. However, it turned out that she was
injected with silicone, which changed everything,
Silicone inflamed her eye and cheeks
Due to the silicone, her right eye and part of her cheek became deformed.
Not only were the silicone injections illegal, but her eye and cheek were left
greatly inflamed.

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