After a fatal bicycle accident, a 13-year-old boy spent days in the hospital, lifeless on the bed. Just when his parents had lost all hope, the boy miraculously opened his eyes and revealed shocking details about his encounter with Christ.

Parents always want their children to be successful. They long to see their child grow up and live peacefully. No parent wants to see their child fighting for their life on a hospital bed, and even the thought of it sends shivers down their spines.

The parents in today’s story went through the worst part of their lives while their son was in a coma. They had lost all hope and were ready to say goodbye when something unexpected happened. Her teenage son suddenly opened his eyes and started laughing.

13-year-old Micah Anderson enjoyed riding motocross with his brother Josiah Anderson. The brothers had been experiencing the thrill of this extreme sport for more than a year when they joined a riding school in South Carolina.

Micah’s mother, Katja Anderson, described him as “just a very funny chump, very kind and gentle,” but was unaware of how an incident would change her teen’s life forever. She wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen.

In July 2013, the Anderson brothers took to the motocross track for Josiah’s birthday. Josiah followed Micah’s lead on the track but couldn’t brake when his brother’s bike jumped and fell to the ground. Josiah accidentally landed his bike on Micah’s head.

Josiah’s heart raced as he realized what had happened. He got up quickly and tried to revive Micah but it didn’t work. He then jumped on his bike and rushed to inform his father, Shawn Anderson, of the accident.

“I think Micah is dead,” Josiah said to his father while trying to catch his breath. Shawn held Micah’s lifeless body for 45 minutes before paramedics arrived and Micah was flown to the nearest hospital. Shawn recalled:

“He was gray, barely breathing, like a little whimper. And every time he took a breath. I thought, ‘Is he dead?’”

While Shawn, Katja and Josiah prayed for a miracle, doctors didn’t feel hopeful after examining Micah’s head injuries. From what the doctors had evaluated, Micah’s recovery was all but impossible.

One day Shawn was walking next to Micah’s bed when he suddenly stubbed his toe. The next moment he heard Micah laughing.
“We heard phrases like ‘life support’. We were prepared that there would be no recovery,” Katya recalled. Meanwhile, Shawn couldn’t believe his son’s chances of survival were close to zero. He couldn’t accept the truth.

Katja’s heart was crushed to see her son not responding to treatment. She cried her heart out while praying for Micah’s recovery. She recalls asking God to “let her son be like Micah he always was.”

News of the fatal motocross accident spread like wildfire. Joining the Andersons’ friends and family were thousands of people around the world praying for Micah’s speedy recovery. They wanted him to come out of his coma as soon as possible. Katya said:

“We had millions of people praying for us and from the start I had this deep, deep peace that even if Micah doesn’t recover, it’s okay.”

The next few months were nothing short of a nightmare for the Andersons. As doctors attempted to wake Micah through multiple treatments, his body tremors intensified, making it difficult for Katja and Shawn to see their son in pain. The helpless mother recalled:

“I remember we got to a point where we had to say we’re really, really letting him go.”

After several treatments, the doctors gave up. They told Katja and Shawn that there was nothing else they could do to revive Micah. He would lie expressionless on the bed for the rest of his life.

Because the doctors were no longer treating Micah, they told the Andersons to take him home. Katja and Shawn had a hard time seeing Micah lying on his bed without reacting. They couldn’t believe he was the same teenager who loved to ride motocross.

One day Shawn was walking next to Micah’s bed when he suddenly stubbed his toe on it. The next moment he heard Micah laughing. It was the same chuckle he had been craving for over three months. Shawn got up quickly and sat in a chair next to Micah’s bed.

The shocked father joked and spoke to Micah, who couldn’t stop laughing. Shawn was delighted to see his son come back to life. He informed the doctors, who later confirmed that Micah was now responsive. However, he still could not speak or move.

Micah underwent multiple therapies after waking up. A few months later, he resumed speaking and revealed a shocking secret that he wanted to tell his parents. Micah said he met Jesus in heaven while he was in a coma. He added:

“I turned and looked into the face of Christ and the angels just worshiped him. There was no explanation for how much joy I had.”

Micah said Jesus wanted to send him back and when he asked why, Christ said, “You need to know of my love and my Father’s love for everyone no matter what they have done, how I love them and forgive them and accept them.” when they come to the cross.”

The unusual experience changed Micah’s life forever. Now he enjoys expressing his love for Christ in front of people to help them heal. Despite mobility issues, Micah doesn’t feel demotivated. He sees his life as an opportunity to make other people happy.

Share this story with your friends and family to tell them about Micah’s unusual experience and motivate them to never give up.

Click here to read another story about a comatose elderly man whose family had given up. He suddenly opened his eyes when his grandchildren came to say goodbye.

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