Prince William and Prince Harry had an extraordinary upbringing, I think we can all agree. They shared some wonderful years with their mother, Princess Diana, and father, Prince Charles.

Then everything changed on one fateful night when Diana passed away after that tragic car accident in Paris.

It soon became apparent that William and Harry’s lives were forever going to be changed. That said, by all accounts Queen Elizabeth made it clear from the off that she was never going to let her grandchildren down.

Despite the Royal Family members having particular traditions and a very specific way of behaving in front of others, their relationships with one another also have a very human side. A touching handwritten letter written by the Queen to a young William was recently revealed when it was sold and auction.

It serves as evidence, above all else, that the two had a very close bond.

Queen Elizabeth’s passing was a very sad moment for millions of people. Naturally, it took its heaviest toll on her closest family members. Now-King Charles, Camilla, Princess Anne, Prince William, and the rest of the Royal Family mourned the Queen for weeks. It’s probably safe to assume that they still are.

Yet life must go on, and now the royals are back to work as usual, albeit with some significant changes. When the Queen passed, her primary duties and engagements passed over to King Charles, which in turn meant that Charles’ many engagements passed to Prince William.

As a future king, William has been preparing for life on the throne for his entire life. Hopefully, he won’t have to take on the role for many years.

During her life, Queen Elizabeth created unique relationships with many of her close family members: siblings, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Of course, some bonds were more intimate and stronger than others, but ultimately everyone loved the the Queen.

One person that formed an extraordinary bond with Her Majesty over the years was Prince William. As with Charles, she knew the importance of giving him the best and most proper education in royal subjects given that he would one day become King.

Queen Elizabeth created a loving relationship with Kate Middleton as well, though she was initially said to have harbored concerns about her becoming William’s wife.

Let’s take a closer look at the close bond between the Queen and her grandson, William, which remained strong right up until the end.

Though Queen Elizabeth must have been delighted when William was born in 1982, it also presented a number of challenges.

The future king was to be schooled in the art of ruling, learning everything about life in relation to the Crown’s duty. As it happens, William and Kate are now doing their best to provide the same education to their eldest son and eventual heir to the throne, Prince George.

William was born two years before Harry, but both brothers had a wonderful childhood. Their mother, Princess Diana, knew the importance of the young princes’ future, but more importantly, she understood that – even though they weren’t like other children – they had to be given a childhood that was as close to normal as possible.

Diana often took William and Harry to theme parks and other public venues. Of course, she knew what royal life entailed, including the fact that they had meals served to them at all times and were expected to behave like proper royal children.

Yet she was also aware of the importance of William and Harry getting the chance to grow up without being bereft of the things other children take for granted. With this in mind, she would occasionally would sneak them out of the palace to go and get fast food.

“And I said, ‘Oh my God – your Royal Highness, I can do that, I can do burgers.’ And she said, ‘No, it’s the toy they want.’”

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