A woman shared her love story online after sharing how she met her husband, and it all happened thanks to their parents, who married a year earlier.

In 2019, Matilda Eriksson, 23, and her mum, Wolfgang Eriksson, tied the knot. Their stepbrother, Samuli, 27, became her stepbrother.

When her stepbrother kissed her in 2021, their three-year friendship took a turn. “I responded right away with passion,” Ms Eriksson told Yahoo News Australia. “It took us two weeks to start dating after that and he basically moved in with me right away. It felt good and natural immediately.”

Her parents were ‘happy’ about the relationship, but their friends ‘judged’ it

“I think Samuli’s dad even kind of hoped that something like this would happen.”

Samuli, 27, and Matilda, 27, took part in a whirlwind romance at the end of last year, and they were soon engaged. They got married in Helsinki, Finland, in July.

“I was confused and in love at the same time and honestly I really didn’t know what to do. Thinking about the fact that he still is my step-brother and also I thought about other people’s opinions,” she said.

“Some of our friends were first a bit doubtful and [were] kind of judging. I think it was because of the confusion that someone I had been calling step-brother has to now be called my boyfriend.”

However, their parents were “very happy” with Matilda and even believed Samuli’s dad looked forward to the couple’s romantic relationship.

Despite her friends’ judgment, Matilda’s mum helped her make the decision to pursue the relationship.

“She told me to do whatever I felt was the most right in that moment, putting everything else aside and to follow my heart, and that led me to marry Samuli,” she continued. “We both have been in a few long relationships before but never felt like this with anyone.”

After deciding to step up their relationship, the couple soon began researching whether they could get married legally in Finland since they are step-siblings.

In July, the couple, who are both law students, got married after talking to a close friend who is also a student.

“We even proposed to each other at the same time and cried,” said Matilda, adding that their friends soon realised they were “100 per cent match made in heaven.”

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