Marc Mero is a former boxer and professional wrestler. Born in Buffalo, New York, his parents divorced when he was just eight years old, with his mother supporting him and his two siblings by working two jobs.

He was always in to sports. Mero played hockey and football before finally deciding to train and fight as a boxer. He won four titles before a broken nose sidelined his hopes of making the pros.

His story is one of hope and inspiration.
After a brief stint in bodybuilding, Mero went on to become a pro wrestler in 1990. He spent a good fifteen years with WCW, then WWF now WWE, then with TNA before retiring in 2006.

But his life as a pro athlete wasn’t always about the glitz and glamour as the magazines and television shows led you to believe.

Marc talks about how much his mother loved him despite the fact that he became so difficult. This speech of his has gone viral, garnering millions of views, all while getting viewers and listeners drying their tear stained eyes.
“My mom, she really empowered me to become special in sports, The greatest gift my mother ever gave me was [that] she believed in me.”

Mero said in the video.

Marc goes on to tell the students about the destructive path he decided to take in life.

“I’ve overdosed on three occasions where I should’ve passed but I believed I was kept here for a reason.”

Mero told the students.

“I hung out with losers. I became the biggest loser of them all because I gave up everything I dreamt about as a little boy because of who I chose to surround myself with.”‘

When he was a teenager, Marc would hang out with his friends late in to the nigh, but every time he’d come home, the light would always be left on.

His mom was awake and waiting for him to come home.
Mero says his mom wouldn’t sleep until she knew her son was still alive and safe back home.

He regretfully shares how he never appreciated his mother being there for him growing up, even slamming the door on her when she wanted to talk to him. Marc just wanted to be alone.

Marc shares a story of when he was in Japan for a wrestling show. He was in his hotel room when a Japanese promoter knocked on his door telling him to phone home immediately.

After a little back and forth with the person on the other end, Marc finally receives the news. His mom had passed.
Mero said,

“I just threw the phone down. I ran out of my hotel room. I took the elevator to the lobby. When the doors opened up, I just ran out into the street.”

He was bursting with emotions. And when he flew back for the funeral, he just wanted his mother to get up.

Marc goes on to share with his audience,

“Everything I am, everything I hoped to be was because of you. You loved me so much, you gave me a life. You worked two jobs. You’re the only one that ever believed in me.”

He says he regrets how he repaid her with his actions.

The pursuit of fame and fortune happened at the expense of destroying Mero’s personal life.

All he cared about was being rich and famous. He was in the race to win, never mind his family and friends. Even his marriage suffered.
“I learned what is truly important, and that is how precious this gift of life is, and how quickly it could be quickly taken away,”

Mero said.

“I’m not worried about tomorrow. It’s not what’s in your pocket that matters; it’s what in your heart that truly matters.”

He then urged his audience to be kinder to each other. To stop hurting others.

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