In 1995, John Clark came home from a job every day, but this time something is wrong. He discovered that his wife Eileen had disappeared from their home in New Mexico. Their three young children, who were 2, 5 and 7 years old at the time, also disappeared.

The only thing left of us is a mysterious note saying that they are going on vacation.

Eileen was on the FBI’s most wanted list, and John didn’t give up on finding his family.

After 15 years of working with private detectives, lawyers and the FBI, John finally got the news: At the moment, the story has won an audience around the world.

Eileen and the kids are alive and well … and live in London!

While Eileen claimed to be running away from an abusive husband, John denied the allegations and expressed anger that he had lost 15 years of life with his children.

John has since been reunited with his two children, who are now adults.

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