I did not have an easy life and I am still suffering from my wrong move. I had three children, two girls and a boy. Then by chance I got pregnant again and another girl was born. Even before my baby was born, my mother-in-law and my husband had already decided that a girl would be born and we would give her to my husband’s sister.

She was married and couldn’t have children.

I felt that every time my baby was born she got worse and got upset.

I understood her, but it never occurred to me in my life that I would have to give her my own child. As much as I knew that they had a lot of money, that they lived better than we did, that my child would be provided for, I could not accept the thought.

Now my daughter is 25 years old, and every time she tells me, Aunt Annie, my heart sinks, every time I want to tell her that she is my daughter.

I’m not in normal health right now, and I’m a very unhappy woman. I regret it, I shouldn’t have let them make me do something like this.

By admin