I got married in the countryside and for me, village life was full of surprises and discoveries. Yes, there are difficulties, but it is my choice and I respect my choice and decision first. I have been very well received, I feel good in this family. My mother-in-law and I always do chores around the house, then we find something to do.

That day, my Mother-in-law came into the house and told me, “Get ready quickly, change your clothes, and let’s go to the barn, the cow is giving birth.” We were alone at home and I had no other choice, I had to go and help her My mother-in-law didn’t really trust me, but what else could I do? We packed up and went to the barn. I had never seen a pregnant cow in my life, let alone a cow in labor.

She looked at me and told me that the position of the calf was such that we had to bail it out or it would suffocate. I didn’t understand much. I called my husband to come, but he was late, and I quickly opened YouTube and wrote how to help the cow in this situation, quickly watched the video, and did the same steps as in the video. We saved the calf and cow. My mother-in-law was stunned by what I did.

Then the vet came and checked to see if everything was okay.