I don’t know about you, but it feels as though in today’s world, the police simply don’t get the credit and recognition they deserve for keeping us safe.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I more than understand that the actions of a few have cast a damning shadow on the service as a whole, and I agree that certain aspects of the police institution could be greatly improved.

At the same time, though, I feel it’s vital to remember that the vast majority of police officers work daily in conditions that are extremely dangerous and rarely forgiving – all to ensure that we, as a society, can continue to live freely and securely.
That’s why we here at Newsner believe it imperative to share stories of police officers going above and beyond when the situation calls for it, showing the compassion, kindness and bravery that should be associated with servants of the law.
Police photo goes viral
A new viral photo has emerged from what might have been a routine traffic stop in Morrow, Georgia on Tuesday, and the message of positivity it exudes is one that simply cannot be ignored.
According to reports, officers with the Morrow Police Department made an arrest earlier this week after pulling over a speeding, distracted driver. The driver in question started arguing with the officers after being stopped, leading to a headed confrontation before the eyes of his girlfriend and her young daughter, who had been traveling in the vehicle with him.
One onlooker, Sam Juarez, told reporters that the little girl witnessed the ugly scene in its entirety and was naturally left shaken by the events.
Yet while other officers were arriving on the scene, interim Police Chief David Snively is said to have spotted the little girl and taken the time to reassure and comfort her.
The Morrow Police Department shared on their Facebook page:
“Late this afternoon, Interim Chief Snively responded to assist an officer with the arrest of a motorist.
“Also in the vehicle were a little girl and her mother. While the mother spoke with officers, Chief Snively noticed the child crying.
“He knelt and comforted her, answering her questions and explaining what was happening — all without knowing this photo was being taken,”
The best part about it? The photo captured a moment of compassion shared between Police Chief Snively and the little girl from the car.
“Interactions like this happen every day, at every level of our department; and we’re proud that a community member thought to take this picture and share it with us!” the department added.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the photo proved to be a huge hit on social media, with thousands interacting with the original post.
In fact, the success of the photo online led to word getting back to Chief Snively himself, who wrote on his LinkedIn:
“Today was a hard day, but late this afternoon I was right where I needed to be. This little girl walked confidently up to me during a traffic stop, fighting back tears as she asked me if her mom’s boyfriend — who was being arrested — would ever come home.
“It ripped my heart out. I promised her that he was safe and that he would be home soon. She nodded, then wrapped her little arms around me, laid her head on my shoulder, and sobbed.
“I was both saddened by the moment and encouraged that she felt safe with me; it was a terrible, beautiful moment. I had no idea this picture was taken until it was sent to me several hours later.
“There are many things in my life beyond my understanding, plenty of failures and disappointments. But one thing has been always clear to me: I know my purpose on this earth. Today, God put me in a place to use it, and I am certain that sweet little girl did more for me than I could have done for her.”
Call me old fashioned, but these types of police interactions are the ones I wish we’d see more of.
Every day, thousands of police officers across the US risk their very lives in the name of duty. It’s individuals like Chief Snively that prove that despite the few rotten apples in the basket, the men and women who serve our country in the police service are truly worthy of the utmost respect.