We should all feel love and compassion for the other living things in this world.
Unfortunately, it’s a fact that we all need to be mindful of. The concept that certain individuals in this world are happy with the thought of abuse, neglect, and abandonment occurring disgusts me.
Raju the elephant was chained for 50 years and forced to eat scraps from tourists in order to remain alive. His unhappy life was rendered even worse by the mistreatment he experienced at the hands of his captors.

That abruptly came to an end in July when this gorgeous creature was ultimately saved in a mission that attracted attention on a global scale.
On July 2, Animals SOS, an organization founded in 1995 with the mission of preserving and saving India’s endangered wildlife, set out to liberate Raju from his suffering.
Raju, who had been kidnapped as a child, was believed to be 50 years old at the time. The defenseless elephant was then treated like a product and used in a buying and selling procedure for tourists’ enjoyment.

Later on, he was made to be a begging elephant in Allahabad, India. His movement was restricted by the barbed chains shackling him, and the spikes also caused terrible injuries. On top of that, his captors who were making money off of his existence began beating and abusing him.
Wildlife SOS was informed of Raju’s tale by the Indian Forestry Commission, and they realized they had to take action. On July 2nd, they planned a relief effort, but they got into a standoff with his owner as a result.
Raju’s kidnappers wrapped tighter shackles on him and yelled directives to mislead him during the effort to liberate him. Thankfully, their strategies failed. Raju was saved and brought into a better life thanks to a team of 10 vets, specialists from Wildlife SOS, 20 Forestry Commission officers, and two police officers.
When the elephant understood he was ultimately being set free, it’s alleged the team observed tears were streaming from his eyes.
Raju was chained up all the time, which was an appalling act of brutality. The rescue team was shocked to find tears streaming down his cheeks, Wildlife SOS spokesperson Pooja Binepal stated.
It was a really emotional experience. They had a gut feeling that he understood he was being let free. Elephants are magnificent and extremely clever creatures. We have no idea how torturous the last 50 years have been for him.
After that, Raju was brought to the Elephant Conservation and Care Center in Mathura, where he could start the mending process that would serve as his entry into a new and loving existence.
Watch Raju’s heroic rescue in the video below:
Raju’s rescuers believe he will enjoy at least ten years of comfort and affection because elephants may live for more than 70 years.
We are grateful to the selfless individuals that helped this elephant.