A group of high school students wowed their audience with a fairytale waltz performance to Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect”. The enchanting dance was made even more impressive as the couples broke away to form five smaller circles, trading dance partners as they continued to waltz.

The girls exuded charm and grace, while the boys displayed gentlemanly poise reminiscent of newlyweds taking to the floor for their first dance. The audience was spellbound as the dancers swirled and twirled to the beautiful music.

As the song came to an end, the crowd erupted in a round of rapturous applause. But they were in for a treat as the song replayed, treating them to a few more magical moments. The dancers spread out in one large circle before each couple moved to form two lines couples, ending the performance on a high note.

The beauty of the dance was not lost on viewers of the video, which has garnered over one million views. Commenters were quick to praise the teens, describing the dance as not only beautiful but emotional as well. Some suggested that more schools should follow suit and create similar performances to spread a bit of magic and beauty in the world.

Overall, the performance was a stunning display of talent and artistry from these high school students. It’s heartening to see young people come together to create such a magical experience for themselves and their audience.

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