When was the last time you accepted a quiz challenge? you may think these are too easy, but truth is, each quiz carries its weight. Can you see the odds in 30 seconds in this quiz?
No, this quiz has nothing to do with your eyesight. It’s related to your processing speed. It’s more like an eye and mind coordination check. Can your brain process the images in 30 seconds?
Let’s improve your processing power! Your brain needs some sharpening. In this way, you will keep your brain active and well working.
How many shapes did you spot in 30 seconds?
Are you done? Now scroll down and get your answers at the bottom of the page. No cheating!
If you spotted all odds in this quiz, you belong to the 5% of people who can actually do that. If you failed, don’t worry, you can always start all over again.
Studies have shown that we have to use every part of the brain. Aging affects your body, and you need to give your brain a nice workout. Researchers at the University of Exeter and Kings College London conducted a study based on brain teasers. It turns out that puzzles make your brain 10 years younger. Researchers collected data from 17,000 participants. In other words, this was one of the biggest studies of this kind.
“You can think of the aging brain like an old computer,” said Dr. Howard Fillit, founding executive director and chief science officer of the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation.
“Speed-of-processing tasks help the aging brain perform more like a new computer by training it to process visual information more quickly. And this may help stem the cognitive decline.”
Do you know the real meaning of intelligence? It’s “the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.” Word puzzles and riddles boost the connection between your brain cells, improving your mental speed and thought process.