It’s amazing what one person can do in just one year. My name is Bjorn Brenton, I’m 21 years old. I am a passionate outdoorsman living the life of my dreams.

Therefore, I purchased a plot of land overgrown with dense bushes in the middle of the forest to bring a new blossoming life here.

I built this log cabin mostly in my spare time! It’s been a labor of love, with many challenges along the way, and i loved every minute of it! For many years I dreamed of building my own house, but I was tired of just dreaming, I decided to make it a reality before it’s too late.

Building this small log home is just the beginning. There is still a lot of work to be done to make the dream a reality, and I am glad that I can share it with you.

On the first floor I will make a sauna, shower and a small room for relaxation and cooking, and on the second floor – a temporary bedroom.

The main purpose of building this log house was to gain experience for the construction of my large house, where my family and I could live permanently. Therefore, very soon I will start my new big construction

Next summer I plan to start raising livestock, maybe goats, sheep, chickens and cows. Also, my goal is to learn to live a more independent life.