When Soul Dog Rescue workers came across a skinny dog standing all by herself on a busy stretch of highway, they knew they had to save her. But they quickly realized getting close enough to help would be a challenge.

The dog, who rescuers later named Joss, looked visibly sick and had been dealing with a severe case of tapeworm.

The only other sign of life they were able to find on Joss’s patch of the highway was a local kettle corn vendor, who seemed to know the dog. The vendor told the rescuers that Joss was not his, but that he had been feeding her from his kettle corn cart when he could.

Once Joss realized that her unexpected relocation came with consistent, hearty meals, though, she softened up to the change.

According to Wirth, Joss was extremely nervous and shy around her foster family for the first few days of her stay, but she eventually warmed up to them.
Joss, whose new name is Coco, found her forever-people just a few weeks after learning what “home” was with Wirth. The adopting couple also just completed a big move — meaning that the loving dog who once lived on the highway now lives in a brand-new house just for her and the humans who love her.

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