In the lush forests of northern Utah, metal tubs brimming with spring water can be found along trails for hikers in need of a drink.

But recently, a trail camera hidden near one tub revealed a surprising pair putting the refreshing water to good use.
Though Peterson has seen lots of bears on camera, this specific capture was particularly amazing.

“This one was exceptional!” Peterson told The Dodo. “I knew that there were bears in the area, as I’d tracked them through there, but I didn’t expect a cub. It literally made my day!”
The cub never quite makes it into the tub but has lots of fun tipping his head over the side and sticking his face in.

Surely, his mom enjoyed having the tub to herself.
Luckily for Peterson, the duo left her camera mostly unharmed.

Toward the end of the video, the mother bear hops out of the tub and runs away toward their next destination, her loyal cub bounding along after her.

Fresh from their bath, this sweet family of two was ready for another adventure.

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