My son and his wife took me to nursing home. They wanted to get rid of me, because my daughter-in-law said: I need the room where she lives, I am going to give it to my son and his wife after their wedding.

That’s how my son decided to transfer me to a nursing home. Well, I agreed because I had nowhere to go and live.

That day, my son and daughter-in-law came dressed to take me to my grandson’s wedding. At first I did not agree, but they insisted a lot and took it away.

The wedding took place as usual. There were many guests. When the newlyweds entered the banquet hall, a tango was played. At first they danced together, then they invited everyone to dance tango.

I couldn’t stand it at that moment either, I got up, approached the toastmaster and asked for the microphone to say a toast. Respecting my age, he gave it, and I said: “Son, be happy with your wife. I didn’t bring you a present today, because I already gave you the biggest present. That is my room, where you will live now with your wife, while I am in the nursing home. Be happy”.

I left the salon and came back to the nursing home with tears in my eyes. Being rejected is not a thing.

By admin