We engaged my son last year, I didn’t like the girl, my husband and son somehow convinced. She is a beautiful girl, she has no education, she works as a saleswoman in a store. After getting engaged, she was in our house every day, and one day I told my son ”what’s up, that you bring her to our house every day. I have a thousand things to do, I don’t have time to deal with her all day”.

Perhaps what I said has also reached the fiance, if you say something to the boys, they should immediately inform their wives. After this incident, every time my daughter-in-law comes to our house, she brings me a carnation, I can’t bear that flower, and then we associate the flower with sad occasions.

I couldn’t stand it yesterday, I said, ”dear girl, after this, don’t bring me flowers, or give me some carnations, if she likes it, give it to your mother every time”. She probably got upset about that, but I don’t care, she won’t give me a clove.

By admin