We have been married for so many years, my husband helped me in every matter, I was tired, I came home from work and could not make sth to eat, he heated his own food and we did everything related to the house together, we went to the supermarket together, in short. But my husband started shopping alone, I promised to come, I told him to lie down and rest, to go quickly and come back, but he was not fast, he would go and stay for hours, then he would come.

At first I didn’t say anything, then one of our neighbours saw my husband in the supermarket, the next day he came and said he had an opportunity, but he didn’t say anything, he said, ”I saw your husband in the supermarket, he bought two shopping carts”. But my husband brought home a bag of things, I realized that something was missing.

My husband came home, I sat down and talked to him, at first he was making up some things, then he said that there is a homeless, poor family, they live in terrible conditions, from time to time my husband takes the family on such big shopping trips that at least that poor child doesn’t stay hungry. When I heard that, I immediately started crying, I didn’t think about it, I don’t understand why, if I knew where he was going, I would have followed him.

By admin