My father-in-law never followed my mother-in-law, the man is very conservative but he has always trusted his wife, but as they say, no matter how much you trust a person, you have to watch him sometimes to understand what he is doing.

My mother-in-law lived abroad for many years, her daughters took their mother to Greece for a few months every year to look after their children and to work. Probably, my mother-in-law started to do this in the last few years. Yesterday, my father-in-law found a pack of cigarettes in her bag, I felt that she started smoking a long time ago, but I didn’t say anything to anyone, I didn’t want a war in our family.

Even the woman’s voice had changed, but my father-in-law didn’t understand anything, he finally opened his eyes, I’m so happy that he was able to understand who his wife really is.

He gave his wife two days to collect the clothes, otherwise he would do something bad. My husband tried to calm his father down yesterday, but it was pointless, the man had made up his mind.

By admin