13 years ago, at the Artamkins, a real miracle happened. The couple had quintuplets. Five beautiful daughters.
While still in position, Varvara found out that she would have 5. The doctors were worried and suggested that the couple get rid of 2 embryos. So as not to put the mother and children at risk.
But the Artamkin family is a believer, and they refused such an offer. We decided, as God wills, so it will happen.
The Artamkins had to leave to give birth in another country, as Russian doctors did not take up their case. And at the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, girls were born.
They were immediately placed in an incubator for early born children. They grew and developed well. Soon they went to their homeland, to Moscow.
Officials were waiting at the airport for a big family, who handed Varvara and Dmitry a four-room fully equipped apartment.
Now the girls are 12 years old.
They are all very different. Each has its own character.
They help parents and serve as support for them in everything.
Girls have been going to church since childhood.