That many of the superstars of the world do their utmost to retain their youthful looks long into old age is nothing new.
For as long as cameras have existed, those who earn their living in front of their lenses have striven to adapt, develop, and even experiment with their faces to defy the aging process.
We could write a never-ending article on all the stars of Hollywood and the music industry who have waged war on Mother Nature’s designs; the futility of their pioneering attempts; the lies told to cover up treatments; the strange diets; the horror stories born of plastic surgeries gone too far.
Of all the stars to have been in the spotlight long enough for the public to witness their transition from young to old, Cher is perhaps the one who sticks out the most.
Why, you ask?
Well, because she appears to have best succeeded in keeping Father Time at bay.

I mean, it’s difficult to believe that Cher is now 76 years old. Not just because I can vividly remember when she first burst onto the scene as a fresh-faced talent with the world at her feet, but also because, well, she still looks absolutely incredible.
Born on May 20, 1946 in California, the Goddess of Pop first rose to stardom with the Sonny & Cher 1965 hit, “I Got You Babe.”
Throughout her 50 year career, she’s starred in her own television show, sold over 100 million records, received countless awards, acted on Broadway, and toured solo around the world. Put simply, she can comfortably be classified as one of the most successful entertainers in the world.
Naturally, Cher’s been asked multiple times over the course of her storied career – particular over the past two decades – to reveal the secret behind her youthful appearance.
Now, let it be said before we go any further that she has admitted to having undergone a number of procedures. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that’s par for the course where modern day celebrities are concerned, so no real surprise there.

Yet Cher also attributes much of her success in staving off the ticking clock of age to her lifestyle choices. Namely, that one’s appearance – and the way it evolves other time – is intrinsically linked to how one treats one’s body and what one choose to put into it.
Cher, known for dancing on stage in sky high heels while wearing costumes that leave little to the imagination, credits her physique to a routine that includes the gym, following a plant-based and dairy-free diet, avoiding alcohol, and taking care of her skin.
Differing from many others who live their lives in the searing spotlight of fame, however, Cher says she doesn’t let the expectations of others and the unreachable standards of the industry dictate her choices. Rather, she makes her own calls based on what’s right for her.
Moreover, the Believe singer has been discussing the topic of her fantastic looks for a long time. As far back as 1982 she recalled an important lesson from her mother that stood her in good stead.
Speaking to Interview, she said: “You know my mother told me once: ‘You know, you’re not the most beautiful, you’re not the most talented. You won’t always be the youngest, but you are special and there’s something more important about that.’”
Then, in 1991, Cher released a book, Forever Fit, where she shed some light on the lengths she goes to in a bid to keep her body in optimum shape.
“The most important thing is to give yourself a fighting chance,” she said.
“I quit smoking. I don’t do drugs. I never drink coffee and almost never drink alcohol or eat red meat, so I’m way ahead of the game.”
“All right. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs — I never have,” she said. “I work out. I’m pretty good with my diet, except I like chocolate.”

As far as anti-aging goes, she has revealed in the past that she received a treatment for adult acne, and that said treatment would actually have an influential role moving forward.
“With Dr. Arnold Klein in Beverly Hills I began using Retin-A to treat chronic cystic acne, and I’ve been on a prescription for Retin-A for 10 years now,” she told People.
Retin-A, for those who don’t know, has since been discovered to be a good anti-aging agent.
Cher went on: “I know Retin-A works. I have used it to control my acne. But what I learned is what everyone else has discovered over the past couple years: that Retin-A also acts as a de-aging agent.”
She also told People: “My skincare routine is very eclectic. I don’t stick to one particular product, I just have things that I love from different people.
“I have a friend, her name is Dr. Barbara Sturm, and she makes an eye cream and face wash that I love. I love Jan Marini products too. I also have Proactiv products that I love.”
As we mentioned before, the A-lister has been open regarding the work she has done within the realms of plastic surgery.
“People should do what makes them happy,” she said. “Frankly, when I saw my face 10 feet tall in close-ups on a movie screen, I wanted my nose done because it really bothered me.
“My teeth were straightened and brought out with braces and a retainer.
“It improved the shape of my mouth. Maybe that’s why people think I’ve had chin and cheek implants.”
Yet where her body is concerned – let’s face it, she looks nigh-on impossibly good for her age – there is no secret beyond hard work.

“I’ve killed myself in the gym to have this body,” she admitted.
“It isn’t like I’ve got some amazing secret that nobody else has.”
She added: “Make room for exercise because your whole day will go better afterward.”
I don’t know about you, but I think Cher is an inspiration to millions, and not only because of her insane talent.