75-year-old Billie Watts, a grandmother in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was using the restroom at a Cracker Barrel restaurant when she spotted a bag hanging from one of the stall doors. When she opened it, she found nearly $100,000 and a picture of two women. She told restaurant workers about it and left her number, but she kept the bag full of cash.

A short time later, Billie’s phone rang. It was a woman who identified the contents of the bag, so she and Billie decided to meet back at the Cracker Barrel. When they met in the parking lot, the woman ran up and hugged Billie, as Billie handed her the bag.

Good News Network
The woman, with tears streaming down her face, said she was so grateful that Billie had found it, because it contained the only picture she had of her recently deceased daughter.

The money in the bag was from the sale of her daughter’s home and all of its contents, and was going to be used so her daughter and her son could start a new life in Florida. Unfortunately, those new lives were cut short for the woman’s daughter and her grandson. Possibly some terrible, tragic accident.

Billie did the right thing, and even when the woman offered Billie a $1,000 reward for her honesty, Billie refused, saying she could never take anything that didn’t belong to her.

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