Author: admin

Top 7 smartest animals

Animals in general are very interesting creatures. In this article we want to show you top 7 smartest animals in the world. Monkey. They have well-developed brain and a flexible…

Romantic animals

We found 5 pairs of romantic animals, and we want to show them to you. Kissing monkeys. Cute squirrels are hugging and sleeping. Dogs are hugging. Cats are licking each…

Crazy animals

In this article we want to show you the craziest animals that we find. Scientist cat. Zebra motorcyclist. Very fat giraffe. Dog with beautiful eyebrows. Crazy Brazza monkey. Funny emu.…

Top 5 rarest animals

Some animal species are fewer than a thousand individuals remaining. Now they are experiencing 6th mass extinction of the Earth; humans are to blame. Here you can read about top…