38-year-old woman wrote her own obituary, we all need to read it
Sonia Todd of Moscow, Idaho, died of cancer at the young age of 38. But knowing the end was near, she decided to write her own obituary before passing away.…
Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell Celebrate Giant Milestone She Says Would Have Never Happened If They Married
When Goldie Hawn met Kurt Russell in 1966, while filming The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band, they kind of liked each other but they never got really close…
4-year-old walks up to lonely widower and asks for a photo not knowing it would change his life
Most of us have experienced having friends. Even though some of the friendships we have had did not turn out the way we wanted, we can’t deny that these friendships…
Family of Eliza Fletcher, teacher abducted while jogging, breaks silence after discovery of her body – rest in peace
The family of Tennessee teacher Eliza Fletcher has spoken of their grief in the wake of her tragic death. Fletcher went missing last Friday, September 2, after going jogging close…
9-yr-old running marathon asks marine “will you run with me” without a clue of high stake he’s giving up
There are times in life when a prize doesn’t seem as sweet as the satisfaction you get from helping someone or simply being there for them when they need you.…
Cashier Has The Perfect Response When Shopper Gets On ‘Express Line’ With Too Many Items
There’s nothing more annoying about grocery shopping than when you get stuck behind a customer who has too many items in what is supposed to be the express lane. That’s…
Cashier Tells Customer His $600 Is Only Worth $5 – Has No Idea He’s An Undercover Cop
It takes a lot of luck to get your hands on a winning lottery ticket, which is why people are ecstatic when they learn that they have won. However, a…
Bon Jovi’s Daughter Steals The Show Dancing Onstage
Jon Bon Jovi is a rock legend. Any karaoke night isn’t complete without at least one rendition of Livin’ on a Prayer! Through the ages, Bon Jovi has transformed from…
Elderly woman’s roof is in terrible shape so kind volunteers band together to replace it
Louise Saindon is 82 years old and she has lived in her current house for 77 years. That means she moved there when she was 5 years old and has…
Goldie Hawn no makeup photo shows her natural look
Most of us probably have a pretty lop-sided attitude when it comes to painting a picture of Hollywood and celebrities. I’m the first to admit that I sometimes style myself…